TRS. Digitized.

Benefit from a proven platform that accelerates the digitization of TRS dealing workflows.

Key benefits of the Wematch platform include:

TRS dealing workflows made easy

The Wematch Securities Financing platform provides core functions for TRS market participants:

Benefits At-A-Glance

Getting connected to Wematch is simple, as it is delivered as a web-based Software-as-a-Service technology that connects to the TRS ecosystem through live APIs. To get started, or to request a demo, get in touch

We provide a single communications platform with seamless and harmonized communication protocols for counterparts, teams, and clients driving unprecedented efficiency.

By digitizing and automating TRS dealing workflows, you dramatically reduce the risk of errors, conducting business with simple, one-click processes. 

Firms can bring all their TRS functions together in one place, inclusive of trading and  lifecycle management, reducing complexity and increasing operational efficiency.   

A full audit trail is achieved with complete logs for all actions and deals. 

All the data on the platform syncs perfectly with clients’ own datasets, giving them the confidence that Wematch is a one true source of information.

Our comprehensive approach to data aggregation means that users are empowered with the deepest insights, enabling them to make the best possible decisions. 

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